How can I book a tour on Phuketas?
Depending on the tour, you can book instantly or send us an enquiry.
How far in advance do I need to book a tour?
It depends on which type of tour, but for most tours you need to book a minimum of 3 days before you want to go explore. This is to ensure we have enough time to plan the best trips available.
What payment methods are accepted on Phuketas?
We accept payment with all major credit card types and with PayPal.
How do I know if my tour booking is confirmed?
A tour has been confirmed once payment has been carried out successfully and you have received a booking confirmation from us in your email.
What happens if I need to cancel my tour booking?
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Can I change the date or details of my booked tour?
Varius massa maecenas et id dictumst mattis. Donec fringilla ac parturient posuere id phasellus erat elementum nullam lacus cursus rhoncus parturient vitae praesent quisque nascetur molestie quis
What should I do if I'm late or cannot make it to my tour?
Are there any age or health restrictions for the tours?
What happens if a tour is cancelled due to bad weather or other unforeseen circumstances?
Are the tours suitable for children and elderly individuals?
Do the tours include transportation to and from my accommodation?
How can I contact the tour operator directly?
How can I leave a review or feedback about a tour?
Can I book a private or custom tour via Phuketas?